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This Concept Is Revolutionary!

Never has the saying no foot no horse been more true. But now there is something that works and its FEI legal!


I have been using Hufzorb now for 3 weeks on my 1.40m jumping horse. He picked up a bacterial infection in the hoof whilst at a stay away show, resulting in deep set thrush and soft crumbling frogs. Hufzorb is proving very easy to use, is improving the quality of his Hoof health and is promoting healthy frog growth!

It’s great to know the product is completely legal under FEI Rules and is a natural product rather than anything chemical based - You know exactly what your horse is absorbing.


I will continue using this product and it will definitely be packed for all shows from now on.


I look forward to seeing the future benefits.



UKCC BS Level 3 Coach


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